Static methods

staticinlinecreate<T>(f:(fire:T ‑> Void) ‑> CallbackLink):Signal<T>

Deprecated: "Use new Signal() instead"


staticfilter(this:SignalObject<T>, f:T ‑> Bool, ?gather:Gather):Signal<T>

Creates a new signal whose values will only be emitted when the filter function evalutes to true

staticflatMap<A>(this:SignalObject<T>, f:T ‑> Future<A>, ?gather:Gather):Signal<A>


Creates a new signal by applying a transform function to the result. * Different from map, the transform function of flatMap returns a Future


Deprecated: "Gathering no longer has any effect"

Creates a new signal which stores the result internally. Useful for tranformed signals, such as product of map and flatMap, so that the transformation function will not be invoked for every callback

staticgenerate<T>(generator:T ‑> Void ‑> Void, ?init:OwnedDisposable ‑> Void):Signal<T>

An alternative to new Signal() if you have no CallbackLink to return. Other than that, it behaves exactly the same.

staticinlinehandle(this:SignalObject<T>, handler:Callback<T>):CallbackLink

staticjoin(this:SignalObject<T>, that:Signal<T>, ?gather:Gather):Signal<T>

Creates a new signal by joining this and that, * the new signal will be triggered whenever either of the two triggers

staticmap<A>(this:SignalObject<T>, f:T ‑> A, ?gather:Gather):Signal<A>

Creates a new signal by applying a transform function to the result. * Different from flatMap, the transform function of map returns a sync value

staticinlinenext(this:SignalObject<T>, ?condition:T ‑> Bool):Future<T>

Deprecated: "use nextTime instead"

staticnextTime(this:SignalObject<T>, ?condition:T ‑> Bool):Future<T>

Gets the next emitted value as a Future


Transforms this signal and makes it emit Noise

staticofClassical<A>(add:A ‑> Void ‑> Void, remove:A ‑> Void ‑> Void, ?gather:Gather):Signal<A>

Creates a Signal from classic signals that has the semantics of addListener and removeListener * Example: var signal = Signal.ofClassical(emitter.addListener.bind(eventType), emitter.removeListener.bind(eventType));

staticpickNext<R>(this:SignalObject<T>, selector:T ‑> Option<R>):Future<R>

Creates a future that yields the next value matched by the provided selector.

staticselect<R>(this:SignalObject<T>, selector:T ‑> Option<R>, ?gather:Gather):Signal<R>


Creates a new SignalTrigger

staticuntil<X>(this:SignalObject<T>, end:Future<X>):Signal<T>